Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Little Halloween Man

Happy Sunday!

When I think about where to get classy, pretty holiday decorations, Meijer doesn't normally pop into my head first. But last week hubby and I were wandering through our Meijer and I stumbled on the cutest Halloween decorations. An entire row of really pretty things that are not neon orange and black plastic. The kinds of things I want in our house! So we went today and I saw that my very favorite piece is 30% off.... he came home with me. I love this little Halloween man! And he was only $5! So that's what is exciting for me today. If you live where there are Meijer stores, go check out the cute Halloween stuff!

Friday, October 22, 2010

My first post!

I'm so excited about writing this first post! I've tried blogging before, but I wasn't very consistent. I plan to keep up with this one! I've been looking at lots of wonderful blogs written by incredibly creative women who do such great things with their homes, and it's completely inspired me. So I hope you'll keep coming back to see what we're doing with our house, how I'm decorating, and what crafts I manage to make work :)

To start things off, I'll show you our summer house project. It isn't what we planned to do, but a chimney leak made it necessary to pull the old panelling off the living room wall. I didn't get a real before shot, but the darker panelling is what we started with, then we found the lighter, actual wood panelling underneath. It was just on these two walls.

Surprise, there was nothing under the panelling above the fireplace!

Here it is with drywall and paint...

And the finished product, complete with fall decorations :)

I'm so glad we don't have to look at that panelling anymore and that the fireplace is the focal point now!

Thanks for reading!